Club Friday Season 13: Love Seasons Celebration - Season 1 : Episode 1


    A birthday is one of the best days of every year. However, for some, it may be the day they buried a memory they donā€™t want to revisit, an inevitable pain as this day will be with us forever. Meena and Kuea have been friends since University. Chat is her ex; he has no responsibilities, drinks all day and parties. Kuea had always listened to her when she needed to vent about their relationship problems. When Meena broke up with Chat and started dating Kuea, everything seemed great; he was the opposite of Chat in every way. He did everything to make her happy. He threw her a big surprise birthday party every year... no matter what Meena might want. But where Meena is free-spirited, Kuea is orderly, peaceful. How can Meena choose between Kuea and Chat? Should Nam move on or give in?

    Season 1 Episodes


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